Play Magazine is a well established electronic music publication in the UK. They featured us in an article about the state of VJing in London and how to get into VJing in 2008. Click here to read the article of click on the ...
Play Magazine – Pixel Play with Visual Division
Hardware, Live Shows, Press, Software

There's a certain buzz on the VJ circuit at the moment around the new(ish) mapping techniques being used to project video on 3D objects. I want to touch on the two most exciting developments of late which we've been testing ...
What’s New in VJ land? Syphon & Mad Mapper! That’s What!
News, Projection Mapping, Software

We're in a kind of festive mood so thought we'd share some of the countdown visuals we use in our VJ sets. There are two that come in very handy. One is a .swf flash file which will take it's time off of your computer's own ...

Some of us still want to use those old trusty FreeFrame plugins in our sets. Here are a few we've used over the years. Please be aware that FreeFrame plugins in newer VJ software, although supported, is not always the best ...
[caption id="attachment_125" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Resolume Avenue 3"][/caption]
We're pleased to announce that Resolume have come on board and helped us out for our show at R&V this new years eve and ...
Go! Go! Resolume!
Breaks @ Purple Turtle - Camden, London. Visual Division performing with two projectors and a laser show - 2nd November, 8pm. Get ...
Graffiti Breakz @ Purple Turtle – Camden, London
The poles have been opened once again for this years round of the TOP 20 VJ's by DJ mag. We don't ask for much - but when we do, it's gotta be important!
The Visual Division VJ's (Zilvinas, Jet and Jamie) have been close ...
Vote for Visual Division!
Visual Division @ Yagathering - Lithuania - Yagathering will take place at the end of the Mayan year in a beautiful lakeside location in the woods of Dzukija in Lithuania. The main days of the gathering are 19-22 July after ...
Visual Division @ Yagathering – Lithuania
BEZERK vs DISTURBEDNATION! Feat. the Visual Division @ Studio - Bezerk, a name that has taken the Auckland dance scene by storm over the past few years, consistently delivering only the most quality events with a production ...
BEZERK vs DISTURBEDNATION! Feat. Visual Division @ Studio
INTERSECT presents the Visual Division @ Galatos - Join us at the warm & cosy upstairs Galatos bar from 8pm onwards for a night of eye opening, mind expanding, ear massaging good time vibes Courtesy of TVD's New Zealand ...
INTERSECT presents the Visual Division @ Galatos
London VJ's, Visual Division are working alongside Edirol (the makers of visual and performance hardware for VJs) for endorsement and promotion. In the future we will be promoting new Edirol product lines by putting them ...
Visual Division Are Edirol Whores!
NoisePrint side Pproj3ckt - With a new Multimedia setup and some crazy ideas, Visual Division are working on a live set with London band NoisePrint. MIDI triggers and multiple screens are just a few of the tasty treats on ...
Visual Division and Noiseprint
Visual Division and LA XULA [a.m.a] & THE KOBAYASHI ORCHESTRA - TVD multimedia set in Pimlico with Urban Nomads Productions, please get in contact with us via email and we will give you the ...
Visual Division Drum & Bass - TVD will be performing a visual set tonight at the same location next to the thames river near vauxhall bridge. If you would like to get involved or come along for the show, please get in ...
Visual Division Drum & Bass
Visual Division NYE London 2006 / 2007 - This New Years party will be host to some of the best Electro/Goa Trance acts and Live bands you have seen yet. Two main rooms with the ground floor boasting 4 projectors and multiple ...