Vote for Visual Division!

The poles have been opened once again for this years round of the TOP 20 VJ’s by DJ mag. We don’t ask for much – but when we do, it’s gotta be important!

The Visual Division VJ’s (Zilvinas, Jet and Jamie) have been close to being in the top 20 for 2 years running, with only a handful of votes in it! This year we want to raise the bar. We need you to place an online vote for us and help our hard working digital pixelated souls reach enlightenment.

To place a vote for Visual Division go here: index.php?op=top20vj

You will need to list 5 VJ’s in order of preference (it works on a point system. eg, 1st vote gets 5 points, 2nd vote gets 4 points, etc). If you don’t know 5 VJ’s, here’s a few to choose from:

1. Visual Division VJ’s (us!)
2. Eaglewood VJ’s
3. Punk!
4. Pani K
5. Unu
6. VJ TwistedPixel
7. VJ Jaren
8. Coldcut
9. Hextatic

Look out for our upcoming UK gig’s and for you NZ types, remember to look out for us at Rhythm and Vines!

Thanks for your help and support!
The Visual Division Team.

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